RSA Starter 1
All operations in RSA involve modular exponentiation.
Modular exponentiation is an operation that is used extensively in cryptography and is normally written like:
2^10 mod 17
You can think of this as raising some number to a certain power (
2^10 = 1024
), and then taking the remainder of the division by some other number (1024 mod 17 = 4
). In Python there’s a built-in operator for performing this operation:pow(base, exponent, modulus)
In RSA, modular exponentiation, together with the problem of prime factorization, helps us to build a “trapdoor function”. This is a function that is easy to compute in one direction, but hard to do in reverse unless you have the right information. It allows us to encrypt a message, and only the person with the key can perform the inverse operation to decrypt it.
Find the solution to
101^17 mod 22663
> pow(101, 17, 22663)
flag: 19906
RSA Starter 2
RSA encryption is modular exponentiation of a message with an exponent
and a modulusN
which is normally a product of two primes:N = p * q
.Together the exponent and modulus form an RSA “public key”
(N, e)
. The most common value fore
.“Encrypt” the number
using the exponente = 65537
and the primesp = 17
andq = 23
. What number do you get as the ciphertext?
> pow(12,65537,17*23)
flag: 301
RSA Starter 3
RSA relies on the difficulty of the factorization of the modulus
. If the primes can be found then we can calculate the Euler totient ofN
and thus decrypt the ciphertext.Given
N = p*q
and two primes:
p = 857504083339712752489993810777
q = 1029224947942998075080348647219
What is the totient of
> p = 857504083339712752489993810777
> q = 1029224947942998075080348647219
> phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
> print(phi)
flag: 882564595536224140639625987657529300394956519977044270821168
RSA Starter 4
The private key
is used to decrypt ciphertexts created with the corresponding public key (it’s also used to “sign” a message but we’ll get to that later).The private key is the secret piece of information or “trapdoor” which allows us to quickly invert the encryption function. If RSA is implemented well, if you do not have the private key the fastest way to decrypt the ciphertext is to first factorize the modulus.
In RSA the private key is the modular multiplicative inverse of the exponent
modulo the totient ofN
.Given the two primes:
p = 857504083339712752489993810777
q = 1029224947942998075080348647219
and the exponent:
e = 65537
What is the private key
> from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
p = 857504083339712752489993810777
q = 1029224947942998075080348647219
e = 65537
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = inverse(e, phi)
> print(d)
Alternate solution(s):
# source: CryptoHack user @Scalpel
p = 857504083339712752489993810777
q = 1029224947942998075080348647219
e = 65537
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = pow(e, -1, phi)
flag: 121832886702415731577073962957377780195510499965398469843281
RSA Starter 5
I’ve encrypted a secret number for your eyes only using your public key parameters:
N = 882564595536224140639625987659416029426239230804614613279163
e = 65537
Use the private key that you found for these parameters in the previous challenge to decrypt this ciphertext:
c = 77578995801157823671636298847186723593814843845525223303932
flag: 13371337
RSA Starter 6
How can you ensure that the person receiving your message knows that you wrote it?
You’ve been asked out on a date, and you want to send a message telling them that you’d love to go, however a jealous lover isn’t so happy about this.
When you send your message saying yes, your jealous lover intercepts the message and corrupts it so it now says no!
We can protect against these attacks by signing the message.
Imagine you write a message
. You encrypt this message with your friend’s public key:C = M^e0 mod N0
.To sign this message, you calculate the hash of the message:
and “encrypt” this with your private key:S = H(M)^d1 mod N1
. Your friend can decrypt the message using their private key:m = C^d0 mod N0
. Using your public key they calculates = S^e1 mod N1
.Now by computing
and comparing it tos
:assert H(m) == s
, they can ensure that the message you sent them, is the message that they received!Sign the flag
using your private key and the SHA256 hash function.Challenge files:
- private.key
file: private.key
flag: 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
So far we’ve been using the product of small primes for the modulus, but small primes aren’t much good for RSA as they can be factorized using modern methods.
What is a “small prime”? There was an RSA Factoring Challenge with cash prizes given to teams who could factorize RSA moduli. This gave insight to the public into how long various key sizes would remain safe. Computers get faster, algorithms get better, so in cryptography it’s always prudent to err on the side of caution.
These days, using primes that are at least 1024 bits long is recommended–multiplying two such 1024 primes gives you a modulus that is 2048 bits large. RSA with a 2048-bit modulus is called RSA-2048.
Some say that to really remain future-proof you should use RSA-4096 or even RSA-8192. However, there is a tradeoff here; it takes longer to generate large prime numbers, plus modular exponentiations are predictably slower with a large modulus.
Factorize the 150-bit number
into its two constituent primes. Give the smaller one as your answer.Resources:
factorDB gives us the factors:
p = 19704762736204164635843
q = 25889363174021185185929
Why is everyone so obsessed with multiplying two primes for RSA. Why not just use one?
Challenge files:
- output.txt
file: output.txt
flag: crypto{0n3_pr1m3_41n7_pr1m3_l0l}
Using one prime factor was definitely a bad idea so I’ll try using over 30 instead.
Challenge files:
- output.txt
file: output.txt
flag: crypto{700_m4ny_5m4ll_f4c70r5}
Smallest exponent should be fastest, right?
Challenge files:
- output.txt
file: output.txt
flag: crypto{saltstack_fell_for_this!}
Modulus Inutilis
My primes should be more than large enough now!
Challenge files:
- output.txt
file: output.txt
flag: crypto{N33d_m04R_p4dd1ng}
Diffie-Hellman Starter 1
The set of integers modulo
, together with the operations of both addition and multiplication is a ring. This means that adding or multiplying any two elements in the set returns another element in the set.When the modulus is prime:
n = p
, we are guaranteed an inverse of every element in the set, and so the ring is promoted to a field. We refer to this field as a finite fieldFp
.The Diffie-Hellman protocol works with elements of some finite field
, where the prime modulus is typically a large prime.Given the prime
p = 991
, and the elementg = 209
, find the inverse elementd
such thatg * d mod 991 = 1
> from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
> inverse(209, 991)
flag: 549
Diffie-Hellman Starter 2
Every element of a finite field
can be used to make a subgroupH
under repeated action of multiplication. In other words, for an elementg
:H = {g, g^2, g^3, ...}
A primitive element of
is an element whose subgroupH = Fp
, i.e., every element ofFp
, can be written asg^n mod p
for some integern
. Because of this, primitive elements are sometimes called generators of the finite field.For the finite field with
p = 28151
find the smallest elementg
which is a primitive element ofFp
> from sage.all import GF
> GF(28151).primitive_element()
flag: 7
Diffie-Hellman Starter 3
The Diffie-Hellman protocol is used because the discrete logarithm is assumed to be a “hard” computation for carefully chosen groups.
The first step of the protocol is to establish a prime
and some generator of the finite fieldg
. These must be carefully chosen to avoid special cases where the discrete log can be solved with efficient algorithms. For example, a safe primep = 2*q +1
is usually picked such that the only factors ofp - 1
is some other large prime. This protects DH from the Pohlig–Hellman algorithm.The user then picks a secret integer
a < p
and calculatesg^a mod p
. This can be transmitted over an insecure network and due to the assumed difficulty of the discrete logarithm, if the protocol has been implemented correctly the secret integer should be infeasible to compute.Given the NIST parameters:
g: 2 p: 2410312426921032588552076022197566074856950548502459942654116941958108831682612228890093858261341614673227141477904012196503648957050582631942730706805009223062734745341073406696246014589361659774041027169249453200378729434170325843778659198143763193776859869524088940195577346119843545301547043747207749969763750084308926339295559968882457872412993810129130294592999947926365264059284647209730384947211681434464714438488520940127459844288859336526896320919633919
Calculate the value of
g^a mod p
fora: 972107443837033796245864316200458246846904598488981605856765890478853088246897345487328491037710219222038930943365848626194109830309179393018216763327572120124760140018038673999837643377590434413866611132403979547150659053897355593394492586978400044375465657296027592948349589216415363722668361328689588996541370097559090335137676411595949335857341797148926151694299575970292809805314431447043469447485957669949989090202320234337890323293401862304986599884732815`
> p = 2410312426921032588552076022197566074856950548502459942654116941958108831682612228890093858261341614673227141477904012196503648957050582631942730706805009223062734745341073406696246014589361659774041027169249453200378729434170325843778659198143763193776859869524088940195577346119843545301547043747207749969763750084308926339295559968882457872412993810129130294592999947926365264059284647209730384947211681434464714438488520940127459844288859336526896320919633919
> a = 972107443837033796245864316200458246846904598488981605856765890478853088246897345487328491037710219222038930943365848626194109830309179393018216763327572120124760140018038673999837643377590434413866611132403979547150659053897355593394492586978400044375465657296027592948349589216415363722668361328689588996541370097559090335137676411595949335857341797148926151694299575970292809805314431447043469447485957669949989090202320234337890323293401862304986599884732815
> g = 2
> pow(g, a, p)
Diffie-Hellman Starter 4
Now it’s time to calculate a shared secret using data received from your friend Alice. Like before, we will be using the NIST parameters:
g: 2 p: 2410312426921032588552076022197566074856950548502459942654116941958108831682612228890093858261341614673227141477904012196503648957050582631942730706805009223062734745341073406696246014589361659774041027169249453200378729434170325843778659198143763193776859869524088940195577346119843545301547043747207749969763750084308926339295559968882457872412993810129130294592999947926365264059284647209730384947211681434464714438488520940127459844288859336526896320919633919
You have received the following integer from Alice:
A: 70249943217595468278554541264975482909289174351516133994495821400710625291840101960595720462672604202133493023241393916394629829526272643847352371534839862030410331485087487331809285533195024369287293217083414424096866925845838641840923193480821332056735592483730921055532222505605661664236182285229504265881752580410194731633895345823963910901731715743835775619780738974844840425579683385344491015955892106904647602049559477279345982530488299847663103078045601
You generate your secret integer b and calculate your public one B, which you send to Alice.
b: 12019233252903990344598522535774963020395770409445296724034378433497976840167805970589960962221948290951873387728102115996831454482299243226839490999713763440412177965861508773420532266484619126710566414914227560103715336696193210379850575047730388378348266180934946139100479831339835896583443691529372703954589071507717917136906770122077739814262298488662138085608736103418601750861698417340264213867753834679359191427098195887112064503104510489610448294420720` B: 518386956790041579928056815914221837599234551655144585133414727838977145777213383018096662516814302583841858901021822273505120728451788412967971809038854090670743265187138208169355155411883063541881209288967735684152473260687799664130956969450297407027926009182761627800181901721840557870828019840218548188487260441829333603432714023447029942863076979487889569452186257333512355724725941390498966546682790608125613166744820307691068563387354936732643569654017172
You and Alice are now able to calculate a shared secret, which would be infeasible to calculate knowing only
.What is your shared secret?
> A = 70249943217595468278554541264975482909289174351516133994495821400710625291840101960595720462672604202133493023241393916394629829526272643847352371534839862030410331485087487331809285533195024369287293217083414424096866925845838641840923193480821332056735592483730921055532222505605661664236182285229504265881752580410194731633895345823963910901731715743835775619780738974844840425579683385344491015955892106904647602049559477279345982530488299847663103078045601
> b = 12019233252903990344598522535774963020395770409445296724034378433497976840167805970589960962221948290951873387728102115996831454482299243226839490999713763440412177965861508773420532266484619126710566414914227560103715336696193210379850575047730388378348266180934946139100479831339835896583443691529372703954589071507717917136906770122077739814262298488662138085608736103418601750861698417340264213867753834679359191427098195887112064503104510489610448294420720
> p = 2410312426921032588552076022197566074856950548502459942654116941958108831682612228890093858261341614673227141477904012196503648957050582631942730706805009223062734745341073406696246014589361659774041027169249453200378729434170325843778659198143763193776859869524088940195577346119843545301547043747207749969763750084308926339295559968882457872412993810129130294592999947926365264059284647209730384947211681434464714438488520940127459844288859336526896320919633919
> pow(A,b,p)
Diffie-Hellman Starter 5
Alice wants to send you her secret flag and asks you to generate a shared secret with her. She also tells you she will be using the NIST standard:
g: 2 p: 2410312426921032588552076022197566074856950548502459942654116941958108831682612228890093858261341614673227141477904012196503648957050582631942730706805009223062734745341073406696246014589361659774041027169249453200378729434170325843778659198143763193776859869524088940195577346119843545301547043747207749969763750084308926339295559968882457872412993810129130294592999947926365264059284647209730384947211681434464714438488520940127459844288859336526896320919633919
You receive the following integer from Alice:
A: 112218739139542908880564359534373424013016249772931962692237907571990334483528877513809272625610512061159061737608547288558662879685086684299624481742865016924065000555267977830144740364467977206555914781236397216033805882207640219686011643468275165718132888489024688846101943642459655423609111976363316080620471928236879737944217503462265615774774318986375878440978819238346077908864116156831874695817477772477121232820827728424890845769152726027520772901423784
You then generate your secret integer and calculate your public one, which you send to Alice.
b: 197395083814907028991785772714920885908249341925650951555219049411298436217190605190824934787336279228785809783531814507661385111220639329358048196339626065676869119737979175531770768861808581110311903548567424039264485661330995221907803300824165469977099494284722831845653985392791480264712091293580274947132480402319812110462641143884577706335859190668240694680261160210609506891842793868297672619625924001403035676872189455767944077542198064499486164431451944 B: 1241972460522075344783337556660700537760331108332735677863862813666578639518899293226399921252049655031563612905395145236854443334774555982204857895716383215705498970395379526698761468932147200650513626028263449605755661189525521343142979265044068409405667549241125597387173006460145379759986272191990675988873894208956851773331039747840312455221354589910726982819203421992729738296452820365553759182547255998984882158393688119629609067647494762616719047466973581`
Individually you each use the shared secret to derive an AES private key. This allows you to encrypt large amounts of data over your channel without needing to exchange keys again.
Alice sends you the following IV and ciphertext:
{'iv': '737561146ff8194f45290f5766ed6aba', 'encrypted_flag': '39c99bf2f0c14678d6a5416faef954b5893c316fc3c48622ba1fd6a9fe85f3dc72a29c394cf4bc8aff6a7b21cae8e12c'}
Decrypt this to obtain your flag!
Challenge files:
flag: crypto{sh4r1ng_s3cret5_w1th_fr13nd5}
Parameter Injection
You’re in a position to not only intercept Alice and Bob’s DH key exchange, but also rewrite their messages. Think about how you can play with the DH equation that they calculate, and therefore sidestep the need to crack any discrete logarithm problem.
Use the script from “Diffie-Hellman Starter 5” to decrypt the flag once you’ve recovered the shared secret.
Connect at
nc 13371
flag: crypto{n1c3_0n3_m4ll0ry!!!!!!!!}
Alice and Bob are using legacy codebases and need to negotiate parameters they both support. You’ve man-in-the-middled this negotiation step, and can passively observe thereafter. How are you going to ruin their day this time?
Connect at
nc 13379
Alternate solution(s):
flag: crypto{d0wn6r4d35_4r3_d4n63r0u5}